Wedding + Elopements photographer. 

Pierre Cassagne

Creative, sensitive, dreamer, curious, but also logical, problem solver, resilient.

Grew up in France Southwest and moved to Bordeaux 10 years ago. Thirty-something. Proud dad of a 3 y.o princess. Biker. Tattooed. Gamer. Heroic-Fantasy reader. Coffee addict. Rock fan & beer enthusiast. Sensitive. Creative. Addicted to outdoor walks.

INTP. 4W5. Aries asc. Cancer.




A little bit more about me.


.. Those things that matter to me.

For a long time, I did not show my emotions, which sometimes made me look like a cold person.
For several years now, I've been learning to let go and open up.

Photography, beyond being a passion, has helped me in this process and became a therapy. The camera pushes me to face situations and emotions that move me and to reveal my sensitivity.

My freedom has always been a founding pillar, as vital as breathing. Passionate about the outdoors, my activities take a lot of space in life: photography (duh), reading, bike, but also video games (from time to time), travels, and any other new idea I've got at the moment.
I also have a vital need for solitude, from time to time.

I don't like weddings.

.. Or how i started photography

Yep, I said that. I. Don't. Like. Weddings ! 

At least, from a guest point of view. But from a photographer's perspective, that's a totally different story ! 

I love being able to access these intimate moments, witness these human connexions, having the whole day unfold right before my eyes to capture

Being a photographer on a wedding day is one of the most rewarding opportunity to me: I get to capture and immortalise what you don't see, what will build your family history and what you'll cherish for decades

It's like being able to live the behind the scenes of a movie in real time and have the opportunity to capture it to make the best show possible.

And that's what makes this so great: every wedding day is different and needs to be covered with equal dedication.

I run, 
I laugh, 
a lot. 
I cry, 

.. I transform on a wedding.

Rather solitary in my day to day life, I completely transform on a wedding day.
I become your best friend, the one helping you, guiding you, comforting you, if needed.
Kind and smiling, I know how to be discrete during ceremonies not to disturb you. But I'm also able to raise my voice to gather everyone for group pictures.
I allow myself to be in the moment with you, that's how I get closer to your story to better tell it.
I open up and accept to be vulnerable, just for a day. I live the moment with you and feel the words you exchange with your vows.


Barley wine or fresh IPA

My favorite beer

It's not about the destination but the journey.

Most important lesson:

My daughter


At the age of 16

I met the love of my life

Scorpions, Guns&Roses, Rival Sons

My pre-wedding playlist

My morning coffees

I'M addicted to:


Pierre has an amazing talent to help couples feel comfortable and bring out their inner beauty. 

Kim + Mark

His work is stunning and his ability to think outside of the box during our full day wedding session and his flexibility with the format was so appreciated. We loved both the artistic and candid shots, and the photo booth was a huge hit with our guests. We can’t say enough good things! A wonderful and kind person overall, Pierre thank you so much for helping to capture our special moments!

Pierre est un photographe incroyable.

Malek + Pierre

Il fait de magnifiques photos et maîtrise l’art de raconter un événement à travers des photos prises sur le vif. Il est discret et très attentif à tous les détails. Au delà son professionnel irréprochable, Pierre a un don pour créer un lien avec ses mariés et les invités qui fait que sa présence au mariage soit totalement transparente.
Nous recommandons l’expérience Pierre Cassagne et nous espérons le revoir bientôt pour d’autres séances photos.

Nous qui n’étions pas très à l’aise avec l’objectif, la séance d’engagement avec Pierre a été d’une facilité incroyable.

Prisca + Ben

Nous sommes très fier d’avoir choisi Pierre comme photographe.
Il a su nous mettre à l’aise très rapidement.
Pierre est une gentillesse immense.
En ce qui concerne le jour J Pierre a été partout mais en même temps très discret.
Nous avons hâte de voir le résultat des photos de notre mariage.
Si vous recherchez un photographe n’hésitez pas une seconde, foncez les yeux fermés.
Un grand grand merci ☺️



Follow me

From Toulouse to Bordeaux 10 years ago. Thirty-something. Proud dad of a 2 y.o. Julia. Biker. Tattooed. Gamer. Heroic-fantasy reader. Coffee addict. Rock fan & beer enthusiast. Sensitive. Creative. Addict to outdoor walks.

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